Edward Gorey &
Mohonk Mountain House

Here at Goreymania, it is our aim to create the most factually accurate and in-depth collecting guides into Gorey memorabilia - this means if you spot anything that doesn't look right; if you have additional information; if you have photos to fill in our gaps; or, if you have better photos to replace our current ones, we would LOVE to hear from you! (Contact us)

This Collector Guide was written by Xandy Hand with additional photos from Todd Camp.

First published: 2025-01-05.
2025-02-09: Added the correct name for '84 found in High Jinx. Also added more detail to section about High Jinx (the other cover illustrator & info about the forward in the book). Also fixed typo in the title, "Moutain" instead of "Mountain"!


What is Mohonk Mountain House?

Mohonk Mountain House is a late nineteenth century resort in the Catskills Mountains of New York State. It is reputed to be one of the inspirations for the hotel featured in Stephen King’s “Shining” (since it has a hedge maze and Stephen King was a frequent resident).

In 1976/77, it began hosting an event which is generally considered to be the first ever murder mystery weekend. This became an annual weekend event (later known as the Mohonk Mystery Weekend(s)).
Dilys Winn (a speciality bookseller in New York – her shop was called Murder Ink which was an un-signposted single-room shop, stacked with crime novels) and Carol Brener (who subsequently took over the shop) organised the first mystery weekend.
It had a very restricted clientele (up to about 300 residents) but became very popular and was frequently oversubscribed. It boasted some very famous attendees including novelists such as Isaac Asimov, Donald Westlake (aka Richard Stark), Stephen King and Peter Straub.
Edward Gorey became associated with it from the start (no doubt because of his links with the New York book scene) and illustrated all of the covers for the brochures promoting the event between 1977 and 1991. Note that 1991 had two versions, one with a Gorey cover, and the other with a Gorey illustration inside.

Murder Ink

There are two books about the Mystery genre written by Dilys Winn (the former owner of the Murder Ink bookshop) published by Workman Publishing between 1977 and 1979 which contain Edward Gorey illustrations and a further revised edition in 1984:
Murder Ink Books
Murder Ink: The Mystery Reader's Companion
1977 September 19th
Workman Publishing
Murderess Ink: The Better Half of the Mystery
Workman Publishing
Murder Ink: Revived, Revised, Still Unrepentant
Workman Publishing

Carol Brener, Dilys Winn and Edward Gorey all individually feature as ‘murder victims’ on the covers of three of the Cape Code Mystery Novels (featuring Asey Mayo/Leonidas Witherall) written by Phoebe Atwood Taylor (aka Alice Tilton and Freeman Dana) for Foul Play Press - The Octagon House, Figure Away and The Cut Direct respectively:
Phoebe Atwood Taylor's Foul Play Cape Code Mystery Novels
The Cut Direct
Foul Play Press
Edward Gorey
Figure Away
Foul Play Press
Dilys Winn
The Octagon House
Foul Play Press
Carol Brener

The Mohonk Mystery Weekends Brochures 1977-1991:

The Mohonk Mystery Weekends Brochures 1977-1991
1977 January 27-30th
Dead Of Winter
Mohonk Mountain House & Murder Ink (co-conspirators)
Dilys Winn & Carol Brener
1978 January 26-29th
Dead Of Winter
Mohonk Mountain House & Murder Ink (co-conspirators)
Dilys Winn & Carol Brener
1979 March 15-18th
Ides of Mohonk
Mohonk Mountain House & Murder Ink (co-conspirators)
1980 March 13-16th
Ides of Mohonk
Mohonk Mountain House & Murder Ink (co-conspirators)
1981 March 12-15th
Ides of Mohonk (“Who did in Miss Smit”)
Mohonk Mountain House & Murder Ink (co-conspirators)
Dilys Winn & Carol Brener?
The Teacup Caper
Mohonk Mountain House invites you to be present at
1983 March 10-13th
The Hood Heist
Mohonk Mystery Weekend
1984 March 15-18th
Double Crossing (S.S.Mohonkia)
Mystery Weekend
Donald Westlake
1985 March 14-17th & 21-24th
High Jinx
Mystery Weekends
Donald Westlake
1986 March 13-16th & 20-23rd
Transylvania Station
Mystery Weekends
Donald Westlake
1987 March 12-15th & 19-22nd
Way Out, West
Mystery Weekends
Donald Westlake
1988 March 10-13th & 17-20th
Maltese Herring
Mystery Weekends
Donald Westlake
1989 March 9-12th & 16-19th
(Operatic Gems)
Mystery Weekends
1990 March 15-18th & 22-25th
Mystery Weekends
Donald Westlake
1991 March 15-17th & 22-24th
Rotten to the Corps: (The Saint Apple’s Academy Murders)
Mystery Weekends
Dilys Winn

Other Mohonk Mountain House Related Collectables:

Other Mohonk Mountain House Related Collectables
  Item Date Publisher Gorey Contribution
High Jinx
Donald & Abby Westlake
1987 December Mohonk Mysteries Cover from 1979 Ides of Mohonk brochure with framing illustrations by Joe Servello
NOTE: The book contains a forward that tells the history from Abby & Don's viewpoint. It also mentions Gorey's illustrations.